April 12, 2011

Jewels of the sun

My apologies for not updating this past month!! I was out of the country with very little internet access, but now that I’m back and over my jetlag… I will try my best to update my blog!
For starters, here are some awesome Indo/Pak jewelry designs that I would like to share since I bought lots of jewelry during my trip. Hope you enjoy how gawgeous these designs are:

As we all know, gold is horribly expensive … especially when you are working with 22-24k gold. Lordhavemercy! I was in shock when I realized how expensive. You can probably put a kid through college!! However, I was like a kid in a candy store. Could hardly keep my hands off and who knew I liked jewelry so much!?!? I wonder what kind of designs other girls like since what I liked was very different than what my mother or auntys liked. Hmmmmm

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